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From Our Newsletter

Winter 2017-8

What did insects ever do for me?

A huge decline in flying insects has been found in a 27 year study carried out in Germany. In the study period there was a decline greater than 75% by weight.

Publicity of the results has been boosted by the observation of a reduced need to clean off insects splattered on vehicles, called moth “snow”.

Apart from a reduced need to clean my car, does such a loss make a difference?

Insects pollinate 80% of wild plants, & are food for 60% of birds.

They are an important part of the recycling of nutrients in detritus.


Hallmann CA, Sorg M, Jongejans E, Seipel H ,Hofland N, Schwan H, et al.

More than 75% decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas,

Dead river brought back to life.

The River Aire below Saltaire was declared “dead” to fish in the mid 19 century because of chemical and mechanical barriers.

“Chemical” being industrial waste & raw sewage polluting the river.

This pollution has reduced with the decline of industry; the modernisation of sewage plants; and the increase in inspection and regulation by the Water Authorities.

“Mechanical” being the construction of weirs impassable by fish.

The last major barriers to fish movement on the Aire between the North Sea and Gargrave will go thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Trust.

The grant has been awarded to help build fish passes on four weirs on the River Aire at Saltaire, Armley, Kirkstall and Newlay.  

Below Leeds, fish passages have already been provided at: Castleford, Lemonroyd, Fleet, Rothwell Country Park, Thwaite Mills, Chapel Haddlesey, Knottingley, Knostrop, and Crown Point.

The result of these developments is that migratory fish such as salmon, sea trout and eels reach the centre of Leeds.

The new works will enable fish to reach into the Dales at Gargrave.

Milner Fields, Gilstead   

The withdrawal in May of Alan Lewis and the Hartley Group’s planning application was wonderful. However, it did not signal the end of our efforts to protect the farm and estate.

The Planning Officer was recommending rejection of the application. This judgement was grounded in a host of major issues – for example loss of Green Belt, adverse impact on landscape & world heritage site, access, traffic.

The next step is to protect the farm & estate in the long term. During the planning process a plan was produced to increase bio-diversity, and improve access to, & understanding of the estate. Implementing this Alternative Landscape Management Plan might be made difficult if the landowner opposes it.

A new book by local historian Alan Cattell makes clear that the Salt family were farmers before they were mill-owners The two remaining “model” farms, like the model village of Saltaire, test new ways of working.

They are part of the model farm movement in the period of High Farming which took place in the 1860s to 1890s. Titus Salt and his sons all had model farms built on their estates. Of these, Milner Field Farm at Gilstead, Bingley and Ferniehurst Farm at Baildon still exist as farm buildings.

Mr Cattell regards the farms as of national importance, and as an integral part of the Saltaire story

The book is a valuable aid in the defence against development..

Prince of Wales Park, Gilstead

We now have the maps and information sent from West Yorkshire Ecology concerning the possible designation of the park, or part of the park, as a new Wildlife Site.

The whole of the park along with Gilstead Moor is now designated a Local Wildlife Site It is unique to have a park designated as a Wildlife Area.

The Friends of Prince of Wales Park are delighted and will help to keep it a place for wildlife.

Roberts Park

We have now put together a presentation of our surveys and photographs of the Park over the summer We have recommended planting etc to encourage wildlife.

The Friends of the Park received our work with thanks, and a donation to our group has been made

We hope to do a little more work next year.


Butterflies and Weather

The year 2017 started badly for butterflies, but one species - the Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta appeared in good numbers through the autumn months.

On September 12th 20 – 30 Red Admirals were seen on the ground in Trench Meadows looking as if freshly emerged. Some appeared smaller than normal.

On 19th September a Comma butterfly was seen feeding on a blackberry - part of a bramble hedge in Shipley station.

On the 20 September 10 Red Admirals along with several Peacocks, Commas & 3 Small Coppers were recorded in Trench Meadows.

On the 6 October up to 12 Red Admirals were seen on an ivy hedge at St Paul’s Church, Shipley.

Locally such numbers are rare so late in the year.

Most butterflies spend winters as: 

eggs                - Hairstreaks

caterpillars      - Small Coppers, most Nymphalidae

chrysalis          - Whites

migrants          - Painted Lady, Clouded Yellow

 Very few butterflies spend the winter as adults

Some that do include: 


- Inachis io


- Gonepteryx rahmni


- Polygonia c-album

Small Tortoiseshell

- Aglais urticae 

Weather permitting the Red Admiral population peaks in autumn, most then migrating to southern Europe, but many individuals survive through mild winters. 

They are noted by the National Recording Scheme mating and egg-laying throughout the winter.

Whether the Red Admiral is a resident species, able to maintain a population without “topping up” by migrants is still subject to debate.


The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland: J Thomas & R Lewington, British Wildlife Publishing , 2010

Winter survival of Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): a new resident butterfly for Britain and Ireland? :R Fox & R H L Dennis 2010 Entomologist’s Gazette 61: 94–103


Autumn 2017

Weather, Butterflies and Summer Programme

The weather has been variable, with seasons merging into one another.

The summer programme has been well-supported, and has drawn people from outside the group and area, The publicity from the T&A, Yorkshire Post and our website has been successful 

Bluebells - Hirst Wood

Several people came on our bluebell walk (with Joy) including a couple from Wakefield.

The open day at Shipley Station meadow was well supported with visitors from the Scottish Borders and Cheshire. (all touring Yorkshire) There were narrow-bordered 5 spot Burnet moths flying, together with Ringlet Butterflies, small Skippers but no Blues, reflecting the national reduction in Blues.

Our visit to Dealburn Road, Low Moor, to see the Bee Orchids was successful. 

There were several orchids off the main path but not in the area where they were originally seen last year.

There were The open day at Shipley Station meadow was well supported with visitors from the Scottish Borders and Cheshire. (all touring Yorkshire) There were narrow-bordered 5 spot Burnet moths flying, together with Ringlet Butterflies, small Skippers but no Blues, reflecting the National reduction in Blues.

Our visit to Dealburn Road, Low Moor, to see the Bee Orchids was successful. 

There were several orchids off the main path but not in the area where they were originally seen last year.

no Bee Orchids at the translocated site at Manywells, Cullingworth – There were several Common Spotted Orchids. 

Also up to 10 Common Blue Butterflies, including 2 females, were flying around the site. We also saw Meadow Brown, Ringlet, Small Heath and several Skippers. 

On one of the hottest days of July our Marbled White walk turned out to be on the best day to see Marbled Whites. Several people turned up and saw a Marbled White.

There were also 2 female Blues in the Shipley meadow (seen and photographed). The Marbled Whites were over very quickly this year after being out so early.  

The Big Butterfly Count from Bracken Hall failed to find many usual species. The Purple Hairstreaks had also been out early.

By the weekend of 15 - 16 July no more were seen. I gather they were out early elsewhere in Yorkshire – including Brockadale (several out in June). 

The very warm spring brought out several other species early. 

‘Pesticide firms dismiss their own study confirming bees are harmed.’ Headline in The Times June 30.  

It reported that bees are being harmed by some of the most common pesticides according to a study that has been attacked by the chemical companies that paid for it!  

Bayer and Syngenta, which produce neonicotinoid pesticides, have accused the scientists they commissioned of over-stating the threat to honey bees and wild bees from their products! 

During several tests the pesticides were found to damage the reproduction of two species of wild bee, the buff-tailed bumble bee and the red mason bee. The study was published in ‘Science’.

The Queensbury Tunnel (at the end of the Great Northern Trail)

Campaigners are fighting to save the tunnel as a cycle path. They have released a computer generated film of what the historic site could look like if it was transformed. They want Bradford Council to seize the opportunity to save this site – otherwise it will be filled in


Canal Road Corridor, Shipley

The Telegraph & Argus for 22 July contained an article on the Planning application for houses on the south end of the car park (in the field outside the station) and for a proposal to put a new access road bridge over the Beck. ( We did not object to the car park if we could have an area in the field rescued for a wildlife and butterfly area.) The article stated planning permission had been granted without the need to take it to a Planning meeting.

I am hoping to pursue this information in due course. The problem is there are too many sections of the Council involved in the development of the corridor, and I have been informed that Skipton Properties are not building the car park. So all those thing are pending.

The Canal Road Corridor Action Plan

Andrew Marshall and his team who are dealing with the Local Plans have now put out some ‘modifications’ of the Canal Road Action Plan. I have been through the documents in the library and sent comments to the Council. I am still not sure how much of this plan will be considered by Skipton Properties or any other developer involved. (The plan puts out a Butterfly Express and Nectar Highway down the Corridor.) Again, all this is pending

The results of the flooding problem of the beck examined by Inspector Louise Nurser in Bradford Town Hall last March are still not available and, in the meantime, permission has been given for a road bridge over the Beck. The flooding problem remains.


Milner Fields, Gilstead

In the last newsletter I revealed that Planning Application by the Applicants (Alan Lewis and his Hartley Trust) to build a High Tech Innovation Centre on the farm was due to go through the Council’s Regulatory and Appeals Committee on possibly Thursday 27 April (the date changed twice) in Bradford Town Hall main chamber. As one of a splendid coalition of groups objecting we were ready for this meeting. 

However, the Applicants withdrew their Planning Application only a day or two before the meeting. (We assume the Applicants were getting ‘cold feet’ and decided they were going to lose with all the opposition from the public and local groups.) 

Of course, they are able to apply again within 12 months without having to pay another applicant fee – no doubt this is not finished. Alan Lewis and his group will think of something else in due course. We have to be on our guard. He obviously wants to build on Milner Fields Estate. He must be prevented from doing so at all costs.


Ferniehurst Dell, Baildon

The friends of the Dell are looking for people to help with the maintenance of the Dell.

If you want to help please phone Joe Ashton on 07989 692677. 

New Homes Plan voted through

An article also in the T&A concerned a Council meeting in the City Hall’s Council Chamber when councillors debated the best way to earmark land for developers in the coming years for inclusion in the Local Plan. The Plan’s Core Strategy sets out the need for 42,100 new homes by 2030. However, Councillor Anne Hawkesworth (Ilkley) said Leeds City Council was now having to slash its housing targets by more than a fifth and urged Bradford to do the same. Councillor Alec Ross-Shaw mentioned that Bradford’s Core Strategy would only earmark two per cent of the Green Belt for development! - ‘This enables us to protect the rest of the Green Belt’ he said. The Council won a vote narrowly to ratify the Core Strategy. I still feel there will be more developers trying to build on the Green Belt.


Bracken Hall Countryside Centre

Another message from the Friends of Bracken Hall

Hello again. If you are around Shipley Glen on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, please call in to Bracken Hall for a look around, a chat, a cuppa. The Centre is progressing well, with several ‘Friends’ and volunteers helping to run the opening Saturday and Sunday, 12 – 4pm. It would be nice if more of our members could offer to volunteer one afternoon Saturday / Sunday and it would be every so often and on a rota.

By the time this newsletter goes out, building work to create a better storage and work area should be complete and the classroom space should be easier to use for activities, schools and groups.

We are organising an Apple Weekend again on 21 and 22 October – activities, information, sales and delicious Bracken Hall Bramley apple crumble! 

Greenhill Action Group 

are still battling the development of over 400 homes in Sty Lane, Micklethwaite. The group are looking to recruit new members to closely scrutinise the major housing development plans. (The development was rubber-stamped after the Secretary of State agreed with Bradford Council’s granting of Outline Planning Permission last year.)

There are 40 conditions attached to the Planning Permission. (An eight day Public Inquiry was held in October 2015 and presided over by Planning Inspector, George Baird, who supported development). Greenhill Action Group are wanting new blood to pick up the baton and take the next and, quite possibly, final phase and attract new volunteers to organise the committee locally

Ilkley Moor

The group which wants to ban blood sport on Ilkley Moor have renewed calls for a ban on grouse shooting because they say that figures emerge which reveal a decline in over half of protected breeding bird species on the moor. The group is asking the Council to not renew the lease for shooting on the moor when it is up for renewal in 2018. The Countryside Service (Danny Jackson) recently put out a consultation document , to which I responded with a letter.

The group called Ban Bloodsport Ilkley Moor, BBIM, report their figures are obtained from the RSPB Northern England office which show a decline in the moor’s population of specialist species including merlin, dunlin, and short-eared owl. (All this is from the T&A July 25 ‘17.) We have to ask if the RSPB has done a proper survey on Ilkley Moor? If figures are correct, are they due to actual grouse shooting or other reasons – climate change etc? Recently an article appeared in The Times which stated ‘Rare birds thrive on game shoots.’ A study found that moors that are managed for shooting have 24 times as many lapwings, 8 times as many golden plovers and 6 times as many curlews as similar sites without shooting rights.

Chris Packham is vice-president of the RSPB and he has said ‘driven grouse management is ecologically disastrous’.

So who is right on this matter? A list of birds which qualify the site under article 4.2 of the Birds Directive by supporting populations of the following ‘breeding bird assemblage’ gives – Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Twite, Snipe, Curlew, Wheatear, Whinchat, Redshank, Ring Ouzel, Short-eared Owl and finally Lapwing.  

This list is in the Ilkley Moor Management Plan 2016 – 2026 Consultation Draft from the Countryside & Rights of Way Section of the Council

This matter is up for debate.


Roberts Park Survey

We have made several visits to the park to do surveys in order to suggest management to encourage wildlife. Tree surveys along the top – photographs have been taken and we will be having a committee meeting with the Friends of the park in due course. Hopefully we shall receive a donation to our group.

January 2017


A warm and sunny September changed to a cold and frosty October. Leaves clung to the trees until shaken off in storms in e in the station meadow first and a few more outside up the big field.

Bees late November. We had a spectacular and prolonged display of autumn colours.

The first snow fell here on 9th November and there was a further fall on 13th November - the date for the annual grass cut at Shipley station - but the day was fine and not too cold

At the cut Alistair Taylor from Butterfly Conservation, who has a chainsaw certificate, carefully pruned the big willow in the far corner, which let in a lot more light. Our thanks to Alistair for helping in this way and for his hard work in cutting the grass, and pruning elsewhere in the meadow.

Milner Fields, Gilstead - update

We are still (in early December 2016) awaiting a result of the Planning Application to replace the existing Dairy Farm with a High Tech Innovation Centre. 

The land is owned by Alan Lewis and his Company is dealing with the application. They insist that the land of Milner Field (Green Belt) is safe from development. 

This is incorrect - the land has already been offered to the Council for development through the Allocations Document.

As we understand it, David Downs, the farmer, holds an Agricultural Tenancy, which is passed from father to son. 

Planning permission for the change of use of the land and for the Innovation Centre of the farm could automatically end the tenancy forcing the farmer off the land.

On Friday November 25 the T&A reported that campaigners were planning a protest and that the application was still to come before the Council. There have been 1,184 comments on the Authority’s website. 

On Saturday December 5 Val and Susan attended Milner Fields Farm to protest against the development. The organisers had arranged for 2 alpacas to be on show. Nick Salt, the great-great grandson of Sir Titus Salt was present in support

The T&A carried an article about the protest on Monday Dec. 5th.

Look North ran a disappointingly brief mention of the event.

The proposal will probably have to go through a Planning Inspector.

Canal Road Corridor, Shipley

The Bradford City Centre Action Plans and the Shipley and Canal Road Corridor Area Action Plan were examined by Inspector Louise Nurser at Victoria Hall, Saltaire in October 2016.

BUWG has concerns about the ecological impact of the proposed development.

The Action Plan contains proposals for a “nectar highway” and “butterfly express”, but how these would be implemented with so many houses to be built is unclear.

Susan Stead spoke at the hearing on Wednesday 19 October, 2016

Also at the meeting was a representative from the Canal and River Trust who was there to push for the plan to specify rewilding and restoration of the Beck and Canal.

We expect BUWG to be invited to a meeting on site, and to receive notice of an order to protect an area for butterflies. 

The Core Strategy Document has now been delayed by Shipley MP, Philip Davies, who is concerned about threats to the Green Belt.

Two dates to discuss the risk of flooding from the Bradford Beck are due to be announced.

Helen Mead and the Telegraph & Argus

Helen’s article on the Shipley Marbled White Butterflies and our other activities went into the paper on Wednesday October 26 2016. Joan was asked about the Low Moor Bee Orchids.

The article featured a photograph of a Marbled White, and a shot of the ever- photogenic Les Barnett.

Ilkley Moor Management Plan 2016 – 2026 Consultation Draft.

The draft plan was available for consultation from Monday 10 October until Sunday 20 November, 2016.

Susan sent a response letter on behalf of BUWG. She made a points about the butterfly and moth species on the moor, the management of heather, the problem of grouse shooting, and Council funding.

A message from the Friends of Bracken Hall Countryside Centre

Good news that, at last, work is planned in the garden to restore the hedge and the coppice habitats. Check out our website for updates. We expect Ed Kyrke to work on the hedge over the first weekend of February – do take the opportunity to drop in, see what is going on and ask any questions.

Ian Butterfield and Forest of Bradford will deal with the coppice on the following Wednesday. They have recently been busy repairing a section of the drystone wall.

It was a beautiful day for our Boxing Day walk – cancelled last year as the floods rose. At the start, we planted a Lord Derby apple tree to improve the pollination of the two Bramleys on the site and took the opportunity to remember Mari Friend. John Friend hopes to visit in 2017 and share stories of their time at Bracken Hall.

The Friends group supports the Centre with practical help in the garden and building and by providing activities. Our next walk, Friday 13, will be led by Chris and Mervyn Flecknoe to Bingley and Back and we have a varied programme of walks for 2017. The Centre will be open as usual from 12:00 – 16:00 on the Saturday and Sunday. 

We welcome new members, but our activities are open to all.

BTC website and for updates. 

Schools are booking in, mainly for activities led by John Dallas.

Contact BTC or the manager (,

07933 355753) 

or call in at the centre to give your views on future development and to find out about joining the rota.

Richard is applying for a Heritage Lottery Grant and would welcome a wide range of views.

Joy Smith,

Secretary, Friends of Bracken Hall Countryside Centre 07981 711091

January 2016

Green Belt At Risk

In December 2015 the DCLG published a National Planning Policy Framework Consultation

It was the subject of an article in the Daily Telegraph for December 8 headlined ‘Build Homes on Green Belt’. The article highlighted changes which “threaten” thousands of new homes on Green Belt . This was described as the biggest relaxation of planning rules for 30 years.

The possible changes are set out in paragraphs 48-54 of the consultation document

They might have a bearing on the proposed Milner Fields development - which is a proposal for replacement of the farm buildings - a brownfield site in Green Belt- although not for new housing.( See below )

Weather and Butterflies

In 2015 there was a long extension of summer well into autumn. The first half of November was the warmest recorded.

Butterflies were flying later than usual. At Trench Meadows in September a Wall Brown butterfly was recorded - a species on the Butterfly Conservation danger list. In October, a Common Blue was recorded at the other side of the beck off the cycling track, Shipley. This is very late for this species.

The Shipley Station grass cut was scheduled for 15 November, and the rain poured down all night.

Thankfully the weather brightened up and the wind dipped. My thanks are due to Matt who was prepared to come and do the work. Two Butterfly Conservation members came from Otley and did a marvellous job. Somehow five of us managed to do what was necessary. We may do some more tree pruning weather permitting.

The drainage in the meadow is very good and it is never as wet as some people think .

A representative from Northern Rail has offered to replace our information board with a new presentation (if necessary, new photographs and text).

The existing board has deteriorated due to weathering. It has been in use quite a long time and water has entered behind the glass.

view at Cottingley Bridge

The second half of November saw torrential rain delivered by storm “Abigail”, followed by a very wet December.

This culminated in widespread flooding in our area on Boxing Day, courtesy of storm "Desmond".

 view of Roberts Park

riverside at Denso Marsden

The aftermath of the floods was of waterside trees fallen, or covered in debris, mostly shreds of plastic.

 A container had been swept into the river and washed into Baildon Bridge. 

Since the floods large bands of volunteers have cleared litter along sections of the bank, including at Denso Marsden. 

Great community spirit was shown by the huge efforts of volunteers who helped those whose homes or businesses had been flooded.

A message from the Friends of Bracken Hall Countryside Centre:

“Work is underway to convert the main building to B&B.

Although things on the Countryside Centre front haven’t been moving as quickly as we hoped, progress is being made. The classroom, toilets and garden are in use for Friends’ activities, school visits and other occasional events.

Baildon Town Council is in the process of setting up the exhibition room – a few old favourites to start with, working towards some exciting new displays.

We are planning to begin weekend events from 12-4pm.

We hope that over the weeks Baildon Town Council will be able to recruit sufficient volunteers to continue regular weekend opening. Contact BTC or call into the centre if you are interested in being part of the team.

Bracken Hall will be the top station for the Saltaire Heritage Weekend in April. Check out their website, BTC website and for updates.

If anyone would like to organise an activity, walk or event for FoBHCC, please get in touch. Groups can book the facilities through BTC to hold group or public countryside events and we would love to see it being used to the full.”

Joy Smith, secretary, Friends of Bracken Hall Countryside Centre, 07981 711091.

Milner Fields Estate, Gilstead

We have already discussed the proposed Milner Fields Innovation Unit which would replace the dairy farm off Primrose Lan

The plan was reported in the T&A on 20 February 2015.

In November we heard about 2 planning applications, one to build the innovation unit & one being a change of use of existing agricultural land to provide land for research for Bradford University and Bradford College. The proposed development is a joint venture between the Hartley Property Group and Bradford University.

The land is in the greenbelt.

The tenant farmer, Keith Downs, has no intention of giving up the tenancy. If the plans went ahead, he would lose his dairy farm, which has been farmed by his family for more than 50 years, and lose the money he has invested in developing the business.

Natural England, responding to the application, note the close proximity to Trench Meadows SSSI. They request more detail regarding proposed use of the land before full consideration is given to the application.

Looking at the Brooks ecological report, it mentions Trench Meadows as being separated from the development area by arable land and woodland. What will happen to this ‘arable’ land in the future?

Our experience is that similar applications are followed by further development, and the loss of greenbelt

The two planning numbers are 15/05538/MAF and 15/05552/FUL 

Morrisons and Skipton Properties. Development at Shipley.

Our information is that the housing development will probably be going ahead, but the Morrisons supermarket will not.

A letter from Simon Woodhurst, Council Regeneration Manager for the Canal Road site, Shipley, says negotiations between all the parties are working towards starting a first phase of residential development in approx .2016/17.

We hope another summer, 2016, is available for monitoring the Marbled White. We hope to show the species to the developers, with the aim of cordoning off an area for the species. It is a very complicated situation.

Sty Lane, Micklethwaite, Bingley.

This development went to a second inquiry on 6 October 2015 (at the first inquiry the application was turned down. A decision confirmed by the Secretary of State).

The developers appealed the decision and submitted a new application. The Secretary of State responded by asking for another inquiry. This finished on 16 October.

Susan Stead attended the Town Hall inquiry, and was called to speak by the inspector. She said a few words about the importance of the hedgerows, open spaces, wildlife, etc.

The inspector’s report is awaited. However, there seems to be some pressure from the government to build ‘starter homes’, not just on brownfield sites but possible new homes on greenfield sites and even some of the Green Belt .

Manywells Industrial Estate Species Translocation.

See our events section for April.

Mark Woods has given us the survey of the Bee Orchid translocation site. Common Spotted Orchid and Common Blue butterflies appear to have translocated from the original Cullingworth site to the new habitat very well.

At least 50 species of flowers and grasses were recorded on the translocated site and surroundings.

Well done to Mark Woods.

Butterflies & Neonicotinoids

The Times for November 25 had a heading ‘Pesticide Spray Kills Butterflies’. Researchers from the Universities of Stirling and Sussex looked at butterfly numbers at 1,000 sites using data gathered by volunteers for the Butterfly Monitoring Scheme. The trends at these sites were then compared with the use of neonicotinoids. 

In a paper published in the journal PeerJ they found that neonicotinoids were associated with the decline in 15 species of butterfly, including Small Skipper and Small Tortoiseshell.

In Scotland, where neonicotinoids were used more sparingly, butterfly numbers held up much better. 

So pesticides are not only harming bees, they could be harming butterflies also. The study also said that neonicotinoids used on crops also contaminated hedgerows where many wild flowers that attract butterflies grow.

The Sunday Times for November 15 looked at a report that factory farmed bumblebees could be deployed to deliver pesticides protecting plants including strawberries, rapeseed and apples from deadly fungus.

The plan involves placing a tray of pesticide powder in the entrance to a specially designed hive so that the bees have to walk through it every time they fly out. When landing on a flower they will leave some pesticide behind protecting the plant. 

The pesticide is a strain of Clonostachys Rosea fungus that doesn’t affect the bees (are we sure?) and prevents other fungi from infecting the plants, said Michael Collinson, chief executive of Bee Vectoring Technology, which is trialling the system on farms in North America and plans to bring it to Britain next year.

Quite apart from the use of the pesticide, is it morally justified to use bees this way?

More on neonicotinoids 

Prince of Wales Park

We now have three information boards, one at the bottom of the park opposite the fountain, and a history board. The wildlife board is at the top of the park near the bottom of the heathland. There are finger posts for directions.

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