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Links to some national organisations whose focus is ecology

A Focus On Nature                                                          

Iinks to a document produced by young champions of nature, looking to improved stewardship of, and education focused on, the natural world.                                           

A Rocha                                                                                      

Christian charity working or the protection & restoration of the natural world.

Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (ARC)                                           

Group which, amongst other activities, owns, leases or formally manages over 80 nature reserves covering more than 1500 ha (3800 acres) land 

Association of Local Environmental Records Centres                             


Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs) are not-for-profit organisations that collect, collate and manage information on the natural environment for a defined geographic area,ALERC is their national organisation.

Bradford records are kept at West Yorkshire Ecological Record (WYER)

The WYER is a publically accessible database of biodiversity containing information on all designated nature conservation sites and habitat networks within West Yorkshire. 

Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) 

Biological Records Centre (BRC)                                                            

established in 1964, is a national focus in the UK for terrestrial and freshwater species recording. Works with voluntary recording community, principally through support of national recording schemes and societies.

Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland                                                     

British Bryological Society (BBS)                        

exists to promote the study of mosses and liverworts. 

British Dragonfly Society (BDS)                                            

British Lichen Society                                          

British Pteridological Society (BPS)                                             

society for fern enthusiasts, founded 1891 

British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)                                                   


Bumblebee Conservation Trust                             

Butterfly Conservation                                          

Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH)                                            

research organisation focusing on land and freshwater ecosystems and their interaction with the atmosphere. 

Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management           

the leading professional membership body representing & supporting

ecologists and environmental managersin the UK, Ireland and abroad.

Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland                      

founded in 1876, society devoted to the study,

recording and conservation of molluscs.


engages people worldwide in scientific field research

and educationto promote the understanding and action

necessary for a sustainable environment. 

Freshwater Habitats Trust                                      

works to create and protect ponds through practical action,

lobbying, research and advice.

Friends of the Earth                                                                    


Mission Statement: Froglife strives to make practical

differences with our education and conservation teams

working on-the-ground to restore and create vital amphibian and reptile habitats. Together we are encouraging as many people as possible,

from all walks of life, toget involved in wildlife conservation.    

Fungus Conservation Trust                                                              


free to join online community helping to

identify wildlife and share nature.

Post your wildlife picture to one of the groups, together

with some habitat data.Receive and evaluate the suggested i.d.

Can be very quick - an i.d. instantly

but the site is slower to identify the more difficult species

Mammal Society                                                                      

organisation involved in the study and conservation of all British mammals - from dormice to dolphins, and bats to badgers. 

National Biodiversity Network (NBN)                                     

Established in year 2000 - champions the sharing of biological data. The UK’s largest partnership for nature, with over 150 member groups and more than 127 million wildlife records.

National Forum for Biological Recording                                       

promotes and influences the development of biological recording and the use, management and dissemination of biodiversity information 

National Trust                                                                

Natural History Museum                                                                



Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems- 

project aiming to investigate how local biodiversity typically responds to human pressures such as land-use change, pollution, invasive species & infrastructure, & ultimately imove our ability to predict future biodiversity changes 

Rothamsted Research                                                                 

aims to deliver knowledge & new practices to increase crop productivity &quality& to develop environmentally sustainable solutions for food and energy production. 

Vincent Wildlife Trust                                                                 

a conservation charity that saves wetlands 

Wildlife Trusts                                                                  

47 individual Wildlife Trusts cover the UK, the Isle of Man

& Alderney. Together, The Wildlife Trusts are the UK’s

largest environmental organisation .  

Woodland Trust                                                           

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